Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 7: June 30th-And I Came Here to Make you Dance Tonight...

So today I went with my dearest grandmother to go to this really neat book store.

I don't normally read, but it's always fun to look around. I bought a spanish book, a bunch of magazines, and some teen book.

While I was in there I caught 2 guys staring at me, and when I looked at them they turned away and were laughing. One said something like "Woah, I mean I just turned around"

I kept seeing them throughout the store, by consequence? I think so. Ahah one was cute-

Anyways, were coming to some place called Door County tomorrow. Yay?

Bleh, so I am currently babysitting my brother! I'm eating pizza. Delish!


Favorite song of the moment: Guilty Pleasure + Hot Mess by: Cobra Starship

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 6: June 29th- Shopping + Fish

So today I went shopping... again!

I got 4 new tops and a new Steve Madden Belt. Ahhh How I love shopping! Then later we went out to Fish Fry. Delciousssss!

I have Spanish 3 IB + English summer reading, that I probably should be doing... but I don't wanna. The hype of summer is still running through my veins and homework does not sound like a good way to spend it.


Did you know that NASA banned sex in outer space? Oh darn....

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 5: June 28th- Airplanes, Sleep and Shopping.

So the airplane was TERRIBLE!

I hate planes! I got stuck in the bathroom! I walked in- did my business- and I tried unlocking and opening the door- and It wouldn't open!! I had to bang and kick. Eventually, I backed up against the mirror and kicked as hard as I could. It made a pretty loud noise, and the flight attendants and a few people looked at me like I was crazy. BUT at least I was out.

Anyways, today I spent time with my dearest Grandmother<3

I got a yellow polka dot bikini! and a few tops and belts.

Fun day!!!!!

"Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" -Harold R. McAlindon

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 4: June 27th- Off to Wisconsin

In about 3 hours, I will be on my way to the LAX airport to go to Wisconsin.


I hate flying... with a PASSION! It literally scares the crap outta me!

But I'm looking forward to seeing my family up in Wisconsin.

My ipod, 500 How-To's book, and my mac will keep me entertained on the 4 hour flight. <3

Adios Amigos.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 3: June 26- Party

So today I cleaned and cleaned... and cleaned. But my dad got us donuts for breakfast!

Then at 4, I went to Forbes's graduation/birthday party. It was tons of fun. We swam, played football, played basketball, ate food, and watched a movie. I also made s'mores!!!

I <3 smores. Forbes and I, on July 8th will be having a Scary Movie party. Yay.


PS. I hate classic high school bitches. :P

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 2: June 25th- Beach + Hot Boys.

Totally went to the beach today with some friends.

It was pretty cloudy so It was kind of cold- but the water was awesome.

The swell was huge and we all got knocked around a bunch.

So I got hungry, so we walked up to the snack bar and we saw this ridiculously hot guy. I thought it would be funny to drop a note on his towel with my number on it while he was in the water. 10 minutes later I got a text from him. He kept trying to guess who we were and eventually we just walked up to him and talked to him. <3 <3 <3 He goes to our rival high school, unfortunately ;)

Such a GREAT day.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 1: June 24th- Wild Rivers and Gibby?

Hi! My name is Summer! I'm fourteen and currently living in southern California.

This blog is mainly for my own enjoyment and to remember my summer of 2010.

Well, today was my first day of summer! I went to Wild Rivers with my Tasha and Katie. Wild Rivers is an awesome, super fun water park. We all have season passes, so we plan on going a bunch this summer.

We met up with some boys, Dwight, Nate, Dillon, and Michael.

While in line for Patriot, aka the best ride ever, I saw the actor who plays Gibby on Icarly, Noah Munck. He lives very close to here and goes to Wild Rivers regularly.

Isn't he adorable??

Well today was pretty successful but I got pretty burnt.

Gonna go eat pizza. Later <3