Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 5: June 28th- Airplanes, Sleep and Shopping.

So the airplane was TERRIBLE!

I hate planes! I got stuck in the bathroom! I walked in- did my business- and I tried unlocking and opening the door- and It wouldn't open!! I had to bang and kick. Eventually, I backed up against the mirror and kicked as hard as I could. It made a pretty loud noise, and the flight attendants and a few people looked at me like I was crazy. BUT at least I was out.

Anyways, today I spent time with my dearest Grandmother<3

I got a yellow polka dot bikini! and a few tops and belts.

Fun day!!!!!

"Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" -Harold R. McAlindon

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